As one of the cornerstone technologies in today’s information age, silica glass optical fiber is renowned for its exceptional material purity and sophisticated fabrication techniques. However, even with such remarkable industrial achievements, silica fiber struggles to meet the ever-evolving demands and challenges of modern society. As the need arises for optical fibers capable of delivering higher laser powers, more sensitive environmental sensing, denser fiber cores, stronger or weaker nonlinearities, superior polarization maintaining abilities, better thermal stability, and wider tunable dispersion, the pursuit of new optical fiber technologies has remained relentless.
Micro-structured optical fibers (MOFs), also known as photonic crystal fibers, composed of silica glass and air, have unlocked unprecedented optical properties. This is primarily attributed to two key features: 1) the refractive index contrast in MOFs is 1-2 orders of magnitude higher than that in traditional doped fibers, enabling more intense and precise manipulation of light waves; 2) The complex interference effect in the cladding region of MOFs introduce novel light-guiding mechanisms, distinct from the traditional “total internal reflection” effect. Since Prof. Philip Russell pioneered this field in 1991, the exploration of MOFs has spanned over three decades.
Perhaps the most astonishing achievement of MOFs is the realization of long-distance light propagation in a hollow (air) core. This breakthrough was initially made possible by the discovery of photonic bandgap (PBG) guidance by Philip Russell, Jonathan Knight, and Tim Birks. In recent years, with in-depth research on the anti-resonant reflecting mechanism, the transmission loss of hollow-core fibers has reached a record low of 0.1 dB/km. Our group is among the earliest pioneers in the theoretical and experimental study of anti-resonant hollow-core fibers. Moving forward, we will continue to focus on this direction, striving to surpass the performance metrics of traditional silica glass fibers in various aspects.
In addition, the versatility of MOFs is also reflected in the unprecedented properties of solid-core fibers, such as endless single-mode operation, highly tunable dispersion, large mode-field areas, strong nonlinearity, and high birefringence. These advancements stem from the flexibility and diversity of the stack-and-draw fabrication method, and have led to exciting new applications in fiber lasers and fiber sensors. Equipped with state-of-the-art fabrication facilities, extensive drawing experience, and profound theoretical expertise, our group is committed to addressing the practical needs of fiber applications and advancing research in this field.
由石英玻璃和空气构成的微结构光纤(又称光子晶体光纤)能够赋予光学性能全新的突破。这主要得益于以下两大特性:1)微结构光纤中的材料折射率差比传统掺杂光纤高出1-2个数量级,从而能够对光波进行更为强烈且精确的操控;2)微结构光纤的包层区域存在复杂的光波干涉效应,形成了与传统“全内反射”截然不同的新型导光形式。自Philip Russell教授于1991年开创光子晶体光纤领域以来,关于这类光纤的研究已持续超过三十年。
其中,最令人惊叹的成就之一便是实现了光在空气纤芯中的长距离传输。最初由Philip Russell、Jonathan Knight和Tim Birks三位教授共同发明的“光子禁带”空芯光纤开辟了这一全新领域。近年来,随着对“反谐振”导光机理的深入研究,空芯光纤的传输损耗已降至0.1dB/km的创纪录水平。我们课题组是国际上最早开展“反谐振”空芯光纤理论与实验研究的团队之一。未来,我们将继续聚焦这一方向,致力于推动“反谐振”空芯光纤在各项性能上超越传统石英光纤。