暨大主页 | 物理与光电工程学院 |


发布时间:2024-09-23 15:42 发布单位:光子技术研究院

报告题目:光与二维半导体材料的相互作用Light-Matter Interaction in Two-Dimensional Semiconductors





TitleLight-Matter Interaction in Two-Dimensional Semiconductors

Abstract: The study of light-matter interaction is at the forefront of advanced optoelectronic devices, opto-quantum devices, and fundamental physics. The decreased dimensionality of two-dimensional (2D) materials leads to enhanced environmental sensitivity and light-matter interaction, providing an excellent platform for investigating new optical phenomena. In this seminar, I will discuss two different strategies to control light-matter interaction in 2D semiconductors. The first strategy focuses on the materials themselves, employing various techniques, including heterostructures, strains, and defects, to manipulate their intrinsic properties and alter their interaction with light. Specifically, I will highlight how stacking two monolayers together creates the moiré superlattice to renormalize light-matter interaction in 2D semiconductors. The second strategy involves leveraging optical cavities to control local light density, thereby influencing the interaction between light and matter. In the weak coupling region, I will present the discovery of a series of dark exciton resonances achieved by coupling a monolayer semiconductor to plasmonic nanocube cavities. Additionally, I will introduce a novel resonant geometry characterized by a high-quality factor and an ultrasmall mode volume, which allows for achieving ultra-low threshold interlayer exciton lasing. In the strong coupling region, I will reveal the emergence of light-matter hybrids in the layered magnetic semiconductor CrSBr, even without external cavity mirrors. By extending correlations between magnetic, electronic, and optical properties to deep states within the material's band gap, I will demonstrate that hybrid light-matter excitations can significantly enhance the spectral bandwidth of magneto-optic responses.




权佳敏,同济大学物理科学与工程学院教授,国家级青年人才,上海市青年领军人才,上海市浦江人才。研究主要聚焦于纳米尺度下光与物质的相互作用,涵盖二维材料、纳米光子器件及两者的交叉应用。近年来,发表论文30篇,其中以第一作者(含共同一作)在Nature、Nature Materials (封面)、PNAS、Nano Letters等期刊上发表了8篇文章,并参与编写英文专著一部,论文总引用次数超过2400次。