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光子技术研究院学术报告(131)20191203 Francesco Chiavaioli

发布时间:2019-11-26 10:34 发布单位:光子技术研究院

题目Fiber-optic sensing and biosensing

报告人 Francesco Chiavaioli

主持人:郭团 研究员

时间:  20191203日(周二)下午2:30-3:10

地点:  学院楼B42003会议室

报告摘要:Given the continuously increasing interest in fiber-optic sensing and biosensing, the aim of this lecture is to provide a metrological assessment of resonance-based fiber-optic devices towards an objective evaluation of the performance, as well to detail some examples of real applications studied during my carrier. In the first part, the attention will be focused on the most common parameters used to describe the performance related to bulk/volume sensing and to surface sensing or biosensing. The idea is thus providing the basis for an easier and direct performance comparison among the fiber-optic devices. In the second part, some examples of fiber-optic devices will be presented in order to draw attention on novel approaches, devices and technology platforms towards future “food for thoughts”. The topics will concern fiber grating biosensing, fiber-optic bilimetry and pH-metry, novel coupling method based on whispering gallery mode resonator, biosensing in general based on different physical phenomena (such as lossy mode resonance, surface plasmon resonance, Bloch surface wave) and, finally, special attention will be paid to devices for neurodegenerative diseases. In particular, the combination of fiber-optics-based technology with the deposition of thin film overlays, nanocoatings, and nanostructures will be deeply emphasized.

报告人介绍:Francesco Chiavaioli,意大利应用物理研究所Nello CarraraCNR-IFAC,位于意大利佛罗伦萨),博士、研究员。他既是30多种国际期刊以及国际会议论文初版物的作者,也是美国光学学会OSA、国际应用光学EOS与光子学技术交流会SIOF的成员。2006年于锡耶纳大学(意大利)获博士学位后,Francesco Chiavaioli一直致力于光纤传感器的设计、分析、制备和应用研究,包括光纤光栅(FBGLPG)、光纤SPR、拉曼散射增强、特异性修饰膜等,主要用于检测化学和生物参数。2012-2015年,他参与了双边项目(意大利CNR-印度CSIR联合研究项目),题为“用于免疫分析的基于长期光栅(LPG)的生物传感器”。2015-2016,他曾在光子科学研究所(ICFO,西班牙巴塞罗那)担任访问科学家六个月,期间从事基于石墨烯的纳米腔和纳米结构的设计和表征。由首席执行官推荐,他被Publons董事会授予“科学哨兵”,作为为工程领域的同行评审做出贡献的前10%研究人员之一。在Analytical Chemistry,ACS Sensor,Biosensors & Bioelectronics,Nanophotonics等权威期刊发表 SCI 论文22篇,受邀在OFSIAPC等国际著名光学会议报告12次,参编著作3篇。积累了丰富的生物传感器件设计、制备与检测的经验。