北京大学物理系本科(保送),电子学系区域光纤通信网与新型光通信系统国家重点实验室硕士(保送),英国巴斯大学物理系博士(导师Philip St. J. Russell教授为光子晶体光纤发明人,多次获诺贝尔奖提名)。在法国和英国从事两期博士后研究。2011年加入中国科学院物理研究所(小百人副研究员)。2019年加入暨南大学光子技术研究院(现物理与光电工程学院)。
研究领域涉及,反谐振空芯光纤理论与表征、空芯光纤通信、非线性光波导、纳米光学天线、近场光学、微纳光纤等。主持国家自然科学基金4项、中科院科研装备研制项目1项、国防科技173计划重点项目(课题)1项。在Nature Communications (2)、Laser & Photonics Reviews (3)、Photonics Research (1)等期刊上发表SCI论文近70篇,h-index因子24,授权发明专利10余项。获《中国激光》“2018中国光学十大进展”-应用研究类奖项。匿名推选为国际光学学会高级会员(Optica Senior Member)。“暨南英才计划”杰出人才A类资助。中国移动协同创新基地(科创板块)入驻专家。鹏城实验室访问学者。领纤科技(南通)有限公司首席科学家。
1. JKW基础加强计划重点基础研究项目:“XXX光纤”(课题负责人)
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“保偏微结构空芯光纤理论与实验研究”(62075083),2021.01-2024.12,主持
3. 中国科学院科研装备研制项目:“相位可分辨近场/远场复合光学表征系统的研制”(201346),2014.01-2017.12,主持
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“基于石英微纳光纤的二阶非线性光学效应增强及应用研究”(61575218),2016.01-2019.12,主持
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“基于光纤拉锥波导的光子晶体微腔的制作和应用”(61275044),2013.01-2016.12,主持
6. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:“混合型微纳光子回路的设计、制作和应用”(11204366),2013.01-2015.12,主持
1. An-qing Jia, Yi-feng Hong, Qi Liu, Yi-zhi Sun, Shou-fei Gao, Yu-lin Sheng, Ying-ying Wang, and Wei Ding,* “Selectively gas-filled anti-resonant hollow-core fibers for broadband high-purity LP11 mode guidance,” Optics Letters 48, 1622-1625 (2023). (首根高阶模反谐振空芯光纤)
2. Cui-cui Lu†,* Yi-zhi Sun†, Chen-yang Wang†, Hong-yu Zhang, Wen Zhao, Xiao-yong Hu,* Meng Xiao, Wei Ding,* Yong-chun Liu, and C. T. Chan, “On-chip nanophotonic topological rainbow,” Nature Communications 13: 2586 (2022). (拓扑彩虹现象的首次近场光学观察)
3. Yi-feng Hong, Shou-fei Gao,* Wei Ding,* Xin Zhang, An-qing Jia, Yu-lin Sheng, Pu Wang, and Ying-ying Wang,* “Highly Birefringent Anti-Resonant Hollow-Core Fiber with a Bi-Thickness Fourfold Semi-Tube Structure,” Laser & Photonics Reviews 16: 2100365 (2022). (保偏反谐振空芯光纤世界纪录)
4. Zhe Zhang, Wei Ding,* An-qing Jia, Yi-feng Hong, Yi Chen, Yi-zhi Sun, Shou-fei Gao, Su-juan Huang, and Ying-ying Wang, “Connector-style hollow-core fiber interconnections,” Optics Express 30, 15149-15157 (2022). (反谐振空芯光纤连接头损耗世界纪录)
5. Xin-yu Chen†, Wei Ding†,*, Ying-ying Wang, Shou-fei Gao, Fei-xiang Xu, Hui-chao Xu, Yi-feng Hong, Yi-zhi Sun, Pu Wang, Yan-qing Lu*, and Li-jian Zhang*, “High-fidelity, low-latency polarization quantum state transmissions over a hollow-core conjoined-tube fiber at around 800 nm,” Photonics Research 9, 460-470 (2021). (全球首次空芯光纤量子传输)
6. Wei Ding*, Ying-ying Wang*, Shou-fei Gao, Meng-ling Wang, and Pu Wang, “Recent progress in low-loss hollow-core anti-resonant fibers and their applications (invited),” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 26, 4400312 (2020). (反谐振空芯光纤技术综述)
7. Shou-fei Gao, Ying-ying Wang*, Wei Ding*, Yi-feng Hong, and Pu Wang*, “Conquering the Rayleigh scattering limit of silica glass fiber at visible wavelengths with a hollow-core fiber approach,” Laser & Photonics Reviews 14, 1900241 (2020). (反谐振空芯光纤损耗首次低于石英瑞利散射极限)
8. Xiao-cong Wang, Da-wei Ge, Wei Ding*, Ying-ying Wang, Shou-fei Gao, Xin Zhang, Yi-zhi Sun, Ju-hao Li, Zhang-yuan Chen, and Pu Wang, “Hollow-core conjoined-tube fiber for penalty-free data transmission under offset launch conditions,” Optics Letters 44, 2145 (2019). (中国首次空芯光纤通信传输)
9. Lu-tong Cai, Andrey V. Gorbach, Yi-wen Wang, Hui Hu, and Wei Ding*, “Highly efficient broadband second harmonic generation mediated by mode hybridization and nonlinearity patterning in compact fiber-integrated lithium niobate nano-waveguides,” Scientific Reports 8: 12478 (2018). (薄膜铌酸锂波导宽带二次谐波产生)
10. Yi-zhi Sun, Bin-bin Wang, Rafael Salas-Montiel, Sylvain Blaize, Renaud Bachelot, Li-shuang Feng, and Wei Ding*, “Imaging of guided waves using an all-fiber reflection-based NSOM with self-compensation of a phase drift,” Optics Letters 43, 4863 (2018). (全光纤相位稳定散射式近场光学显微)
11. Yin-ying Wang and Wei Ding*, “Confinement loss in hollow-core negative curvature fiber: A multi-layered model,” Optics Express 25, 33122 (2017). (多层反谐振空芯光纤理论模型)
12. Wei Ding*, and Ying-ying Wang*, “Hybrid transmission bands and large birefringence in hollow-core anti-resonant fibers,” Optics Express 23, 21165 (2015). (保偏反谐振空芯光纤设计理论)
13. Wei Ding*, and Ying-ying Wang, “Analytic model for light guidance in single-wall hollow-core anti-resonant fibers,” Optics Express 22, 27242 (2014). (目前唯一的反谐振空芯光纤解析理论)
14. Wei Ding, Christopher J. Benton, Andrey V. Gorbach, Jonathan C. Knight, Dmitry V. Skryabin, William J. Wadsworth, Richard M. De La Rue, Marco Gnan, and Marc Sorel, “Solitons and spectral broadening in long silicon-on-insulator photonic wires,” Optics Express 16, 3310 (2008). (硅波导光孤子的实验认定)
15. Wei Ding*, Steve R. Andrews, and Stefan A. Maier, “Internal excitation and superfocusing of surface plasmon polaritons on a silver-coated optical fiber tip,” Physical Review A 75, 063822 (2007). (光纤尖端SPP超聚焦理论模型)
16. Wei Ding*, Steve R. Andrews, Tim A. Birks, and Stefan A. Maier, “Modal coupling in fiber tapers decorated with metallic surface gratings,” Optics Letters 31, 2556 (2006). (拉锥光纤布拉格光栅传感器)