暨大主页 | 物理与光电工程学院 |

光子技术研究所学术报告 (33)

发布时间:2013-10-25 16:40 发布单位:光子技术研究院

目:High-Q whispering gallery microcavity photonics

报告人:肖云峰 研究员(北京大学物理学院现代光学研究所)

主持人:关柏鸥 教授

间:2013年10月29日(星期二)上午10: 00-11:00




       Confinement and manipulation of photons using microcavities have triggered intense research interest in both basic and applied physics for more than one decade. Prominent examples are whispering gallery microcavities which confine photons by means of continuous total internal reflection along a curved and smooth surface. The long photon lifetime, strong field confinement, and in-plane emission characteristics make them promising candidates for enhancing light-matter interactions on a chip. In this talk, we report experimentally a new type of on-chip whispering gallery microcavity which supported both highly unidirectional emission and ultra-high-Q factors exceeding 100 million in near infrared. By doping erbium, the unidirectional-emission lasing was observed in 1,550 nm band with the threshold as low as 2 microwatts. Moreover, we propose a sensing mechanism by monitoring mode broadening in microcavities, which is immune to both noise from the probe laser and environmental disturbances, and would remove the strict requirement for ultra-high-Q mode cavities for sensitive nanoparticle detection. Experimentally, the single-virus-induced mode broadening is demonstrated.


      肖云峰,北京大学研究员。分别于2002年和2007年在中国科学技术大学获得学士和博士学位。近十年来一直从事高品质光子微腔的实验和理论研究工作,与合作者在国际期刊Phys. Rev. Lett., Nature Photon., Adv. Mat., Phys. Rev. A, Appl. Phys. Lett., Opt. Lett.等共发表学术论文70余篇,共被引用1000余次。2013年8月起担任Photonics Research杂志编委;曾经担任第六届国际纳米光子学会议(6th International Conference on Nanophotonics)地方组委会主席,第三届光学微腔及其应用国际研讨会 (3rd International Workshop on Microcavities and Their Applications) 的组织者之一;被邀请为Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. A/B, Appl. Phys. Lett., Opt. Lett., Opt. Express, Scientific Report (NPG), Appl. Opt., Chin. Phys. Lett., Chin. Opt. Lett.等国际学术刊物审稿人。2012年获得国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目资助。



