暨大主页 | 物理与光电工程学院 |


发布时间:2016-12-19 15:22 发布单位:光子技术研究院

题目:Development of super-resolution microscopy and its application in subcellular imaging







In the past centuries, optical microscopy has been demonstrated to be one of the most powerful biophysical tools inlife sciences. Particularly, fluorescence microscopy allowsresearchers to study specific fluorescence-labeled structuresand spatiotemporal dynamics at the cellular and even single-molecule levels. However, the spatial resolution of conventional fluorescence microscopy is limited by the Abbediffraction limit.The last two decades have witnessed revolutionary advancesin far-field super-resolution fluorescence microscopy (nanoscopy), which overcomes the diffraction barrier and offers anunprecedented view of the subcellular world.

Herein, we reported our recent development in fluorescence nanoscopy. Several studies were carried out: (1) A joint-tagging super-resolution optical fluctuation imaging (JT-SOFI) labeled using quantum dots was developed to improve the spatiotemporal resolution and labeling density. (2) Combining with two-photon light-sheet microscopy and spinning disk confocal microscopy, fast 3D whole cell SOFI imaging was achieved. (3) A new high brightness, high on/off contrast, strong photostability reversibly switchable fluorescent proteins, Skylan-S, was developed to achieve high spatiotemporal live-cell SOFI imaging. (4) A new type of ultra-high brightness, extraordinary photostability and superior biocompatibility photoblinking small polymer dots (Pdots), were developed, for the first time, and used in long-term SOFI imaging. We also studied the dynamic process of RNA Pol II clusters in live-cell nucleus using quantitative 3B imaging. For the first time, the dynamic processes of individual Pol II clusters, including both cluster assembly and disassembly are directly observed. We revealed the asynchronous nature of Pol II cluster. Our results support the on-demand model for transcription factory formation.



陈轩泽,北京大学工学院生物医学工程系以及生物动态光学成像中心四年级直博生,导师:席鹏研究员和孙育杰研究员。博士期间致力于发展新型活细胞超高分辨光学荧光显微成像技术、单分子荧光显微技术,并将其应用到活细胞纳米尺度成像中。陈轩泽在荧光超分辨显微成像领域做出一系列原创的重要成果,以第一作者身份在Advanced Materials、ACS Nano、Nanoscale、Nano Research等领域权威期刊上发表SCI论文10篇(第一作者累计影响因子大于85),受邀撰写英文书籍《Super-Resolution Imaging in Biomedicine》章节一部,共申请3项国家专利,其研究成果7次在FOM、CSHA等国际学术会议做邀请报告或口头报告,并获得2016 Baxter China Young Investigator Award,共青团中央中国光华科技基金会医学奖,2016年卢嘉锡优秀研究生奖,北京大学研究生“学术十杰”,北京大学 “三好学生标兵”,北京大学“论道杯”研究生学术十佳演讲,连续两年获博士国家奖学金(2015-2016),连续四年获校长奖学金(2013-至今)等荣誉。


