
发布时间:2021-01-27 来源:光子技术研究院


        汪滢莹, 2005年本科毕业于北京交通大学,2011年博士毕业于英国巴斯大学。博士论文被评为2011-2012年度巴斯大学物理系最佳博士论文。之后分别在英国巴斯大学、法国利摩日大学从事博士后工作。20128-201910月在北京工业大学工作,201911月加入暨南大学。

       主要研究领域为光子晶体光纤、非线性光学等。在空芯光子晶体光纤的制作与应用方向取得多项国际领先的研究成果,2010年研制的内摆线型Kagome空芯光子晶体光纤和2018年研制的连体型空芯光纤被认为是空芯反谐振光纤领域的标志性成果,其中连体空芯光纤成果获2018“中国光学十大进展”(应用研究类),相关论文发表在Nature Communications上,为ESI高被引论文。此外在Laser Photonics ReviewPhysical Review Letters 等杂志发表SCI 文章30余篇,他引超过500次。在国际顶级光学会议CLEOPhotonic WestECOC上做Postdeadline报告、邀请报告十余次。现担任美国OFCCLEO会议程序委员会委员、中国激光杂志社青年常务编委、“High Power Laser Science and Engineering”杂志编辑。










2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于空心光子晶体光纤的波长可调中红外气体拉曼激光器研究, 2014-2017 61377098主持

3. 国家自然科学基金仪器研制项目,空芯微结构光纤多组分痕量气体分析仪,,2019-202361827820参与




1.Shoufei Gao, Yingying Wang*, Wei Ding*, Yifeng Hong and Pu Wang*, “Conquering the Rayleigh Scattering Limit of Silica Glass Fiber at Visible Wavelengths with a Hollow-Core Fiber Approach,” Laser Photon. Rev. 1900241 (2019)

2.Xin Zhang, Shoufei Gao, Yingying Wang*, Wei Ding, Xiaocong Wang, and Pu Wang, 7-cell hollow-core photonic bandgap fiber with broad spectral bandwidth and low loss, Opt. Express 27, 11608-11616 (2019)

3.Shou-fei Gao, Ying-ying Wang*, Wei Ding, Dong-liang Jiang, Shuai Gu, Xin Zhang and Pu Wang, “Hollow-core conjoined-tube negative-curvature fibre with ultralow loss”, Nature Communication, 9, 2828 (2018).

4.Shou-Fei Gao, Ying-Ying Wang*, Wei Ding and Pu Wang, “Hollow-core negative-curvature fiber for UV guidance,” Opt. Lett. 43, 1347-1350 (2018)

5.Ling Cao, Shou-fei Gao, Zhi-gang Peng, Xiao-cong Wang, Ying-ying Wang*, and Pu Wang, High peak power 2.8 μm Raman laser in a methane-filled negative-curvature fiber, Opt. Express 26, 5609-5615 (2018)

6.Yingying Wang and Wei Ding, Confinement loss in hollow-core negative curvature fiber: A multi-layered model, Opt. Express 25, 33122-33133 (2017)

7.Xiao-Lu LiuWei Ding, Ying-Ying Wang*, Shou-Fei Gao, Ling Cao, Xian Feng and Pu Wang, “Characterization of a liquid-filled nodeless anti-resonant fiber for biochemical sensing” Opt. Letts. 42, 863-866 (2017)

8.Shou-fei Gao, Ying-ying Wang*, Xiao-lu Liu, Chang Hong, Shuai Gu, and Pu Wang, Nodeless hollow-core fiber for the visible spectral range, Opt. Lett. 42, 61-64 (2017)

9.Shou-Fei Gao, Ying-Ying Wang*, Xiao-Lu Liu, Wei Ding*, and Pu Wang” Bending loss characterization in nodeless hollow-core anti-resonant fiber” Opt. Express 24, 14801-14811 (2016)

10.Yingying Wang, Meshaal Alharbi, Thomas D. Bradley, Coralie Fourcade-Dutin, Benôıt Debord, Benôıt Beaudou, F. Gerôme, and Fetah Benabid. “Hollow-core photonic crystal fibre for high power laser beam delivery” High Power Laser Science and Engineering 1 (1) 17 -28 (2013).

11.Y. Y. Wang, Xiang Peng, M. Alharbi, C. Fourcade Dutin, T. D. Bradley, F. Gérôme, Michael Mielke, Timothy Booth and F. Benabid “Design and fabrication of hollow-core photonic crystal fibers for high-power ultrashort pulse transportation and pulse compression” Opt. Lett. 37 3111-3113 (2012)

12.Y. Y. Wang, N. V. Wheeler, F. Couny, P. J. Roberts, and F. Benabid. “Low loss broadband transmission in hypocycloid-core Kagome hollow-core photonic crystal fiber”. Opt. Lett. 36 669-671 (2011).

13.Y. Y. Wang, C. Wu, F. Couny, M. G. Raymer and F. Benabid. “Quantum-fluctuation-initiated coherence in multi-octave optical frequency Raman combs”. Phys. Rev. Letts. 105, 123603 (2010).