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1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:石墨烯机械谐振式光纤氢传感器研究,2018-2021,26万,61705082,主持。

2.广东省自然科学基金自由项目:基于石墨烯纳米机械谐振的光纤氢气传感器研究,2017-2020,10万,         2017A030313361,主持。


1. Jun Ma, Yang He, Xue Bai, Li-Peng Sun, Kai Chen, Kyunghwan Oh, and Bai-Ou Guan*, “Flexible microbubble-based Fabry–Pérot cavity for sensitive ultrasound detection and wide-view photoacoustic imaging,” Photonics Research, vol. 8, pp. 1558-1565, 2020. (IF: 7.08)

2. Xue Bai, Jun Ma*, Xu Li, Long Jin, and Bai-Ou Guan, “Focus-tunable fiber-laser ultrasound sensor for high-resolution linear-scanning photoacoustic computed tomography,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 116, pp. 153701, 2020. (IF: 3.79)

3. Jun Ma, Yanglin Zhou, Xue Bai, Kai Chen, and Bai-Ou Guan*, “High-sensitivity and fast-response fiber-tip Fabry-Perot hydrogen sensor with suspended palladium-decorated graphene,” Nanoscale, vol. 11, pp. 15821-15827, 2019. (IF: 7.79)

4. Hongsong Xu, Guanyu Wang, Jun Ma*, Long Jin, Kyunghwan Oh, and Bai-Ou Guan, “Bubble-on-fiber (BoF): a built-in tunable broadband acousto-optic sensor for liquid-immersible in situ measurements,” Optics Express, vol. 26, pp. 11976-11983, 2018. (IF: 3.89)

5. J. Ma, J. Shi, P. Hai, Y. Zhou, and L. V. Wang, “Grueneisen Relaxation Photoacoustic Microscopy In Vivo,” J. Biomed. Opt., vol. 21, pp. 066005, 2016. (IF: 3.17)

6. J. Ma, Y. Yu, W. Jin, “Universal phase demodulation system with Sagnac loop for diaphragm based acoustic sensor,” Opt. Express, vol. 23, pp. 29268-29278, 2015. (IF: 3.89)

7. J. Ma, H. Xuan, H. L. Ho, W. Jin, Y. Yang, and S. Fan, “Fiber-Optic Fabry-Pérot Acoustic Sensor With Multilayer Graphene Diaphragm,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 25, pp. 932-935, 2013. (IF: 2.46)

8. J. Ma, W. Jin, H. L. Ho, and J. Y. Dai, “High-sensitivity Fiber-tip Pressure Sensor with Graphene Diaphragm,” Opt. Lett., vol. 37, pp. 2493-2495, 2012. (IF: 3.77)