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主要从事光纤光子器件与传感应用、微结构光纤与制备等方面的研究。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、广东省自然科学杰出青年基金项目、广东省特支计划科技创新青年拔尖人才等项目共7项,在OLOEJLT等本领域权威刊物和会议上发表论文50余篇,其中SCI检索30余篇,总计被SCI引用860余次(Google Scholar 1100余次),H指数19,单篇最高被SCI引用147次(Google Scholar 177次)。参与研制的光纤光栅智能传感系统成功应用于京沪高铁和香港地铁的安全监测,相关进展受到新华网、腾讯网、文汇报等媒体的关注和报道。









1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于偏振回旋滤波器的高灵敏度、大动态范围纤内光微流传感机理与实现研究,6207508759万,2021-2024,主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于群模式双折射设计的高灵敏度光子晶体光纤压力传感器研究,1130412228万,2014-2016,主持。

3. 广东省杰出青年科学基金,微流控集成的新型光子晶体光纤器件及其应用研究,2014A030306040100万,2015 -2018,主持。

4. 广东省特支计划科技创新青年拔尖人才,2016TQ03X12430万,2017-2020,主持。

5.  广东省自然科学基金博士面上项目,偏振回旋型纤内光微流传感机理与实现研究,2018A03031344010万,2018-2021,主持。

6.  广东省自然科学基金博士启动项目,保偏光子晶体光纤压力传感器增敏研究, S20130400152344万,2014-2015,主持。

7. 广州市珠江科技新星专项,基于偏振回旋谐振的光纤微流传感器及其生化检测应用,20180601019730万,2018-2021,主持。


1.      J. T. Dong, C. H. Cheng, C. Wu*, J. Li, and B. O. Guan, Highly sensitive optofluidic refractive index sensor based on a seven-liquid-core Teflon-cladding fiber,” Optics Express, vol. 28, 26218-26227, Aug. 2020. (Cited by 3 times)

2.      C. Wu, M. L. V. Tse, Z. Y. Liu, B. O. Guan*, C. Lu, and H. Y. Tam, In-line microfluidic refractometer based on C-shaped fiber assisted photonic crystal fiber Sagnac interferometer, Optics Letters, vol. 38, no. 17, pp.3283-3286, Sep. 2013. (Cited by 58 times)

3.      C. Wu, M. L. Tse, Z. Y. Liu, A. P. Zhang, B. O. Guan*, C. Lu, and H. Y. Tam, In-line microfluidic integration of photonic crystal fibres as a highly sensitive refractometer, Analyst, vol. 139, no. 21, pp. 5422-5429, Nov. 2014. (Cited by 31 times)

4.      C. Wu, Z. Y. Liu, A. P. Zhang, B. O. Guan*, and H. Y. Tam, In-line open-cavity Fabry–Pérot interferometer formed by C-shaped fiber for temperature-insensitive   refractive index sensing, Optics Express, vol. 22, no. 18, pp. 21757-21766, Sep. 2014. (Cited by 68 times)

5.      C. Wu, Z. Y. Liu, K. M. Chung, M. L. V. Tse, F. Y. M. Chan, A. P. T. Lau, C. Lu, and H. Y. Tam, Strong LP01 and LP11 mutual coupling conversion in a two-mode fiber Bragg grating, IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 1080-1086, Aug. 2012. (Cited by 34 times)

6.      C. Wu, B. O. Guan, C. Lu, and H. Y. Tam, Salinity sensor based on polyimide-coated photonic crystal fiber, Optics Express, vol. 19, no. 21, pp. 20003-20008, Oct. 2011. (Cited by 78 times)

7.      C. Wu, H. Y. Fu, K. K. Qureshi, B. O. Guan, and H. Y. Tam, High pressure and high temperature characteristics of a Fabry–Perot interferometer based on photonic crystal fiber, Optics Letters, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 412-414, Feb. 2011. (Cited by 177 times)

8.      C. Wu, J. Li, X. H. Feng, B. O. Guan*, and H. Y. Tam, Side-hole photonic crystal fiber with ultrahigh polarimetric pressure sensitivity, Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 29, no. 7, pp. 943-948, Apr. 2011. (Cited by 37 times)

9.       C. Wu, B. O. Guan*, Z. Wang and X. Feng, Characterization of pressure response of Bragg gratings in grapefruit microstructured fibers, Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 28, no. 9, pp. 1392-1397, May 2010. (Cited by 72 times)