Congratulations to Prof. Zi-Lan Deng for his first-authored paper accepted by Advanced Functional Materials


    We warmly congratulate Prof. Zi-Lan Deng for his first-authored paper titled "Full-Color Complex-Amplitude Vectorial Holograms Based on Multi-Freedom Metasurfaces" accepted by Advanced Functional Materials. Prof. Zi-Lan Deng and Prof. Xiangping Li are co-corresponding authors of this paper. 

    This work was supported by National Key R&D Program of China (YS2018YFB110012), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (Grant 11604217, 61522504, 61420106014, 11774145, 11734012, 11574218, 51601119), the Guangdong Provincial Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project (Grant 2016ZT06D081, 2017ZT07C071), the National Science Foundation, the Applied Science and Technology Project of the Guangdong Science and Technology Department (2017B090918001) and the Natural Science Foundation of the Shenzhen Innovation Committee (JCYJ20170412153113701). Z.-L.D. is also funded by the China Scholarship Council.