Zilan Deng


Zilan Deng

Position: Associate Professor

E-mail: zilandeng@jnu.edu.cn

Research interests: Nanophotonics including Plasmonics


                                 Optical holography

Academic Experience

2016.09- present: Associate Professor

                             Institute of Photonics Technology,Jinan University

2014.09-2016.09: Postdoctor in Optical Engineering

                             SZU-NUS Collaborative Innovation Centre for Optoelectronic Science & Technology,

                             Shenzhen University

2010.12-2011.05: Visiting student

                             City University of Hong Kong

2009.09-2014.06: Ph. D. in Optics

                             State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies, Sun Yat-Sen University

2005.09-2009.06: B. S. in Optical Information Science and Technology, School of Physics and Engineering,

                             Sun Yat-Sen University

Research Experience

1. Proposed a diatomic metasurface that can completely control the phase and polarization states in a dispersionless way by exploiting the degrees of freedom of orientation and displacement between identical meta-atoms, experimentally demonstrated in visible-infrared frequencies.

2. Proposed a broadband metagrating hologram that can perform holographic imaging with extremely large incident angle that is close to grazing incidence, experimentally demonstrated in visible-infrared frequencies.

3. Proposed a simultaneously wide-angle broadband and high efficiency metasurface for wavefront shaping by a facile grating approach.

4. Designed and realized a trimetric Fano-resonant metasurface that can independently control the bright and dark modes with fullwave simulations and microwave experiments.

Awarded research grants

1. 2017-2019 Young researcher funding from National Natural Science Foundation (Grant No. 11604217)

2. 2017-2018 Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. 21617410)

3. 2015-2016 China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant No. 2016M590804).


1. Zi-Lan Deng, Junhong Deng, Xin Zhuang, Shuai Wang, Kingfai Li, Yao Wang, Yihui Chi, Xuan Ye, Jian Xu, Guo Ping Wang, Rongkuo Zhao, Xiaolei Wang, Yaoyu Cao, Xing Cheng, Guixin Li, Xiangping Li, "Diatomic Metasurface for Dispersionless Vectorial Holography," (Submitted)
Zi-Lan Deng, X. Li, and G. P. Wang, "A multifunctional metasurface: from extraordinary optical transmission to extraordinary optical diffraction in a single structure," arXiv:1705.10171 (2017).(Submitted)
Zi-Lan Deng, and G. Li, "Metasurface optical holography," Materials Today Physics 3, 16-32 (2017). (Invited Review)
Zi-Lan Deng, X. Li, T. Fu, and G. P. Wang, "Fano Resonance in a Metasurface Composed of Graphene Ribbon Superlattice," IEEE Photon. J. 9(5), 1-7 (2017).
Zi-Lan Deng, Shuang Zhang, and Guo Ping Wang, "A facile grating approach towards broadband, wide-angle and high-efficiency holographic metasurfaces," Nanoscale 8, 1588-1594 (2016).
Zi-Lan Deng, S. Zhang, and G. P. Wang, "Wide-angled off-axis achromatic metasurfaces for visible light," Opt. Express 24(20), 23118-23128 (2016).
Zi-Lan Deng, Tao Fu, Zhengbiao Ouyang, and Guo Ping Wang, "Trimeric metasurfaces for independent control of bright and dark modes of Fano resonances," Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 081109 (2016).
 Zi-Lan Deng, Natesan Yogesh, Xiao-Dong Chen, Wen-Jie Chen, Jian-Wen Dong, Zhengbiao Ouyang, and Guo Ping Wang, "Full controlling of Fano resonances in metal-slit superlattice," Sci. Rep. 5, 18461 (2015).
Zi-Lan Deng, and Jian-Wen Dong, "Lasing in Plasmon-Induced Transparency Nanocavity," Opt. Express 21, 20291-20302 (2013). (Journal Issue Highlight)
Zi-Lan Deng, Jian-Wen Dong, He-Zhou Wang, S. H. Cheng, and Jensen Li, "Power transmission and group delay in gain-assisted plasmon-induced transparency," AIP Adv. 3, 032138 (2013).
Zi-Lan Deng, Zhao-Hong Li, Jian-Wen Dong, and He-Zhou Wang, "In-Plane Plasmonic Modes in a Quasicrystalline Array of Metal Nanoparticles," Plasmonics 6, 507-514 (2011).
12. Jian-Wen Dong# and
 Zi-Lan Deng# (#Equally contributed), "Direct eigenmode analysis of plasmonic modes in metal nanoparticle chain with layered medium," Opt. Lett. 38, 2244 (2013).

13. Shuai Wang, Zi-Lan Deng, Yaoyu Cao, Dejiao Hu, Yi Xu, Boyuan Cai, Long Jin, Yuan Bao, Xiaolei Wang, Xiangping Li, "Angular momentum dependent transmission of circularly polarized vortex beams through a plasmonic coaxial nanoring," IEEE Photon. J. (2018) (accepted)
14. N. Muhammad, A. Khan,
Zi-Lan Deng, K. Khan, A. Yadav, Q. Liu, and Z. Ouyang, "Plasmonic Spectral Splitting in Ring/Rod Metasurface," Nanomaterials 7(11), 397 (2017).
15. X.-D. Chen,
Zi-Lan Deng, W.-J. Chen, J.-R. Wang, and J.-W. Dong, "Manipulating pseudospin-polarized state of light in dispersion-immune photonic topological metacrystals," Phys. Rev. B 92, 014210 (2015).
16. T. Li, S. Wang, X.-L. Zhang,
 Zi-Lan Deng, Z. H. Hang, H.-B. Sun, and G. P. Wang, "Non-uniform annular rings-based metasurfaces for high-efficient and polarization-independent focusing," Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 251107 (2015).

Conference Proceedings

1. Zi-Lan Deng,Xiangping Li, and Guo Ping Wang, "Meta-gratings with near-unitary diffraction efficiencies towards achromatic and multifunctional optical components", PIERS Conference 2017, Singapore, Nov. 19-22, 2017.

2. Zi-Lan Deng, yaoyu Cao, Xiangping Li, and Guo Ping Wang, "Meta-gratings with near-unitary transmission or diffraction", ACP Conference 2017, Guangzhou, China, Nov. 10–13, 2017.

3. Zi-Lan Deng, Shuang Zhang, and Guo Ping Wang, "High-performance metasurfaces based on extraordinary optical diffraction", Meta 16 Conference, Malaga, Spain, Jul. 25-28, 2016.

4. Zi-Lan Deng, and Jian-Wen Dong, "Eigenmode Analysis of Plasmonic Modes in Metal Nanoparticle Array," MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, MA, USA, Dec 01-06, 2013.